Support Addition, Knowledge Base Beta

I spend a fair amount of time looking for ways to help improve our customers’ experience while they use our products.  Sperry Software has been wanting to improve the help system we have online to help customers get the answers they need in a timely manner.  One of the options we have had for a while is to implement a knowledge base.  Not only will the knowledge base have as much information as possible, it will have an advanced search feature to help the user find the information they need. 

I have found a package that I believe will greatly enhance the customer’s experience while looking for information on our site.   The package includes many features that one would commonly find in a knowledge base.  One of the nice features is the contact form it provides.   If you are unable to find the information you need, you can choose to contact us.   While you are typing in your question, the application will search your text and the knowledge base to find any possible solutions.  If one of the solutions works, you don’t have to submit the question.  If it doesn’t solve your issue, you can continue with submitting your question.  The greatest thing about this is that we are not asking you to do anything more than you would currently have to do to email us your question.   Just start typing your question and if the system can find a related article, great!!, if not, submit the question and our tech support team will respond.

The new knowledge base is not set to go completely live until July 1st.   We are doing a beta until then for anyone that would like to test it out.  Please keep in mind that the system is new so we are still working diligently to get as much information online as possible.  New content will be added as much as possible.  To access the knowledge base please go to