Announcing our support for Outlook 2016 and Windows 10! We’ve actually had these add-ins available for download for a few weeks now, we just didn’t say anything about them in order to not be overwhelmed. But the good news is that they are now stable and we can make them publicly available to you.
It’s always exciting when a new version of Outlook comes out (never mind a new version of Windows!) and Outlook 2016 is no exception. Between improved color themes, better handling of attachments, and the new Clutter inbox manager, we’re excited about using the new Office 2016 and we hope you are too.
Keep in mind that while we did base these new versions on the code base of the previous versions, that they are all still in beta. That said, we feel they are stable enough for you to begin to try out.
Keep in mind as you upgrade from previous versions of Outlook that you can upgrade to our new v6.0 versions for free if you purchased any time in the last two years. If it’s been longer than two years, just email us ([email protected]) to get a discount coupon good for 50% off.