Late last year, and earlier this year we released versions of Auto Print Pro and Save As PDF Pro. These add-ins act just like their standard counterparts, except that they can use rules to refine exactly when to perform the actions using conditions like the subject, who it’s from, etc. Today, we are announcing the […]
Microsoft Word Security Notice – Fixed
Microsoft recently released an update that has begun to affect users of some of our add-ins. Specifically, the error looks like this: It reads “Microsoft Office has identified a potential security concern. This document contains fields that can share data with external files and websites. It is important that this file is from a trustworthy […]
How to Use Outlook Rules (A Beginner’s Guide)
Power Rules Manager (and Other) Bug Fixes
Here at Sperry Software we’re committed to making sure that we provide the very best Outlook add-ins. To that end, we have the following items that have been fixed recently. The first and most glaring bug was in Power Rules Manager. The symptom was obvious – the grid of rules was blank. At first, I […]
Save As PDF Pro Is Officially Out of Beta
Today, we are releasing the Save As PDF Pro out of beta. In our last blog post about the new features added to Save As PDF Pro we announced the ability to now use rules when saving the emails and/or attachments to PDF. In addition, the features to save the emails to a PDF Portfolio […]
Important Recent Bug Fixes to Several Add-Ins
We’ve been hard at work correcting errors reported by customers like you. Here are the important general bug fixes that have been fixed over the last month: 1) Follow Up Reminders – if it was installed and you saved an email out to disk, that email out on disk was “locked” by the add-in until […]
Save As PDF Pro Now Supports Rules
You may be familiar with one of our other add-ins, Auto Print Pro. Auto Print Pro allows you to print some emails to this printer, and some emails to that printer, based on the subject, who it’s from, etc. Save As PDF Pro recently underwent this same conversion. Now it can save emails and/or attachments […]
What To Do When Outlook Doesn’t Work
No matter how well written add-ins are (and even Outlook itself), there will always be the occasional Outlook problem that doesn’t seem to go away. You can read about how to fix your Outlook problem on the internet, but sometimes the suggestions don’t work for your specific case. Here at Sperry Software we get our […]