The Creative Group published a list of some of the mistakes that managers admitted to making. Note that these are just the ones they admit to – we have a feeling that there are many more that never see the light of day. Nonetheless, in the bullet list of 13 worst email mistakes 10 of them […]
More Reply To All Troubles…
Over at Roger Matus’ Death By Email blog, he reports that Reply To All in Outlook is undergoing another draconian suppression. This time instead of it being at the State Department it’s something much more closer to home: Nielson. It turns out that Nielson has turned off the Reply To All button, suggesting that they […]
Replying to everyone could be hazardous to your job
It happened again. It’s not their fault as not everyone knows about reply all email etiquette. They were simply trying to do their job, and so when the email arrived, each person would simply hit reply to all, instead of just replying to the original sender. In many organizations, this kind of behavior happens. But […]
10 Things You Should Not Put In Email
Elizabeth Charnock, of Cataphora, listed 10 inappropriate things you should not put in emails. The premise is that if you are going to write these phrases, then you are most likely writing something that shouldn’t be in an email. Statements like “I really shouldn’t put this in writing but…”, or “Is this actually legal?” should […]