Many of the tech support questions that we receive are solved by the customer running our Add-in Reset Tool. The tool can be found on the Tools Page. This is just one of our tools that we have available to help resolve some of the more common issues found when troubleshooting the add-ins. You may […]
Email Overload
One of the areas that interests me as a developer of tools that attempt to increase productivity are other blogs from individuals and companies doing the same.Deva Hazarika, CEO of ClearContext, wrote a blog about a new organization forming to help deal with the onslaught of email. This new organization, the Information Overload Research Group […]
Send Individually from Microsoft Publisher
When creating a newsletter or some other form of mass mail, a lot of users prefer to use Microsoft Publisher as the editor. To send the emails to the intended recipients, users prefer to use the Send Individually add-in from Sperry Software. This add-in allows the user to create one email and easily send that […]
Trusting Outlook Add-ins
Microsoft Outlook has some security built in to help prevent external applications from accessing its internal data. This data consists of your contacts, email addresses on emails, and others. This is meant to help prevent a virus from harvesting information to then spread itself to other potential victims. Where does this leave the legit companies […]