Have you made this mistake? You go to compose a new email, place the cursor on the To line and start to type a few characters. At this point a helpful dropdown appears with the name of your intended recipient along with the email address. BUT, a problem arises when you accidently select the wrong […]
Why It’s Important to Convert Your Emails to PDF Early And Often
We recently had a customer who is using the Save As PDF Pro add-in to convert emails regarding a particular legal matter to PDF. Lots of customers do this and it is a normal way to archive important emails. However, legal cases being what they are, a long period of timed elapsed between the first […]
We Now Accept Bitcoin and Other Crypto Currencies
Here at Sperry Software we have to be aware of changing trends in both our email related industry and also in other areas, for example payment methods. One payment method that has caught our attention is Bitcoin. This emerging trend is very promising, particularly for those in poorer countries, as the transaction fees are lower […]
How to Enforce Timely Responses By a Team When Using a Shared Mailbox
For some companies, timely responses are important but when several employees are using a single Outlook shared mailbox to deal with customer inquiries, it can be a problem because users have difficulty determining who “owns” a particular email or even if anyone in the company has responded. Additionally, while users who have access to a […]
Ransomware On The Rise
Last month Revil, a hacking syndicate, simultaneously hacked 200 companies at once. Furthermore, the pace of attacks is relentless. I personally believe that what will happen in the future as large companies get backing and protection from their governments is that the hacking groups will turn to smaller companies who don’t get that same kind […]
20 Year Anniversary
This year we celebrate our 20th anniversary, and so we’re giving you 20% off! When we first started back in 2001, we had no idea how much Sperry Software would grow. From our first add-in to the dozens we currently have, we couldn’t have done it without the over 100,000 customers that we’ve served. Throughout […]
Introducing a New App: Safeguard Send for Office 365
This month we’re introducing a new Office 365 app called Safeguard Send for Office 365. Some of you are probably already familiar with the desktop version of Safeguard Send. Both products are email checker tools that scan outbound emails. Before sending the email they will both look at the recipients and display a warning prompt […]
Introducing Timed Email Organizer for Office 365
About two years ago, we introduced a new product line of cloud based services where the add-ins would run on our web servers but run within your Office 365 or Outlook.com account. The first product in this new product line was Schedule Recurring Email for Office 365, which sends regularly occurring emails through your email […]