In the last several email newsletters, we’ve been letting you know that we have been working on getting Microsoft Outlook automatic updates turned on and running. This is one of our 2020 goals, and we continuing towards reaching it. Previous to today, if you tried to check for updates by clicking on the About button […]
Our 2020 Goals
Like many of you, we are formulating our goals for the upcoming year. While we’re not sure if we’ll reach them or not, it’s a good idea for us to let you know where we’re headed so you can make plans and generally look forward to upcoming new add-ins to make your life easier. In […]
New Renaming Feature in Save As PDF Pro
One of the more useful features in both Save As PDF and Save As PDF Pro is the ability to rename emails when saving them out to PDF files. This feature has existed for quite some time but some users have asked for more flexibility when it comes to saving the PDF files. We only […]
Zoom Email Windows Price Going Up

One of the most useful add-ins (especially for older people or those with vision problems) is Zoom Email Windows. This Outlook Zoom Email Windows add-in will automatically magnify and hold the email preview pane at your desired zoom level, even after you restart Outlook. It also now does the same when viewing individual emails in […]
New 7.1 Versions – Fixed Bugs
We’ve been improving the add-ins, and have a number of fixed bugs to report – these bugs were all present in v7.1 of the add-ins: Timed Email Organizer received performance improvements to the background processor. The background processor also became part of the main add-in, so that it runs within the same process space as […]
New Add-In: Reply With Attachments
It’s always interesting to talk with people using Outlook, and the ways they get things accomplished. One day last year on the phone, a manager was talking with me (Mike Sperry) and mentioned that users in his organization frequently need to add another user to an email chain. “Well, just hit reply to all, then […]
Several Add-Ins Being Retired
This month we are retiring several less popular add-ins: Follow Up Reminders, Hide Fax Numbers, Mobile Email Redirect, Random Quotes Insert, Secure Email Forward and Watch Outlook Folders. These add-ins will no longer be in our main product catalog but will still be available for download. They will be frozen at version 6.3 (in other […]
New Versions of Our Outlook Add-Ins
This month we’re introducing version 7.1 of most of our add-ins. The previous version 7.0 (which was still in beta) has already been replaced when we discovered that portions of our “engine” (the part of the add-ins that all our add-ins share) had to be re-written in order to accommodate conditions when Office 365 is […]